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Getting Started

01. How do I access the BLA?

You will get an invitation to access the BLA via email

📭 From: BLA <>📭

The email will have a link 🔗 that will bring you to the BLA account creation page.

If you are using the BLA for the first time, this link brings you to the account creation page.
If you already have an account, the link brings you directly to the BLA login page.
The BLA is optimized for mobile and similar touchscreen devices, but it also works perfectly well on your laptop or desktop devices.

02. How do I create my account and add a profile picture?

The first time you use the BLA, your link takes you directly to the account creation page to set your password, agree to the terms and conditions, and add a profile picture.
Uploading a profile picture is quick and easy.
The profile picture acts as your avatar in the BLA is important for the optimal use of the app.

The upload photo process is super intuitive and very fast

The profile pic. is extremely important for the optimal use of the app

03. I’m logged in, I‘ve created my account,
I’ve added a profile picture, what do I do now?

Go to your personal dashboard, read the basic orientation information,
then click on 🏁 START NOW 🏁 to begin your self-reflection.

In the BLA, a complete round of first doing a self-reflection and then gathering feedback from others is called an Assessment.

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