Introduce yourself within a sentence.
I’m a gynaecologist working at Al Ahrar Hospital in Egypt and I’m a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians, London.
What is the most challenging part of your life in this time of crisis?
I’m working at the moment on the front line; I can’t stop working within my specialty because many patients are still in need even amidst this Coronavirus problem, but now I have to help infected patients as well as my own, regardless of gender.
What is your guiding light every day that makes you smile?
I always tend to smile when an expectant mother who has just given birth recently sees her baby for the first time. It’s why I chose this specialty.
If you can share a source of hope with someone in need, what would it be?
Love people with all of your heart, it will be paid back to you later on in life, because at the end, love is the everlasting source of hope.

Here are some stories of the people around us
who are facing these times of crisis with hope and determination